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Results are 100% sure and guaranteed.

+27639896887 Spiteful demon of torment spell to punish someone

This is one of the most popular voodoo Revenge spells that you can cast on someone you want to punish. The spell powerful and would only take a couple of hours to cause effect on someone you want to revenge to. I will protect you as the demon is summoned and directed to someone you’d like to punish.

Once you are ready, beseech me and I connect you to the demon of torment to come forth from the depths of hell and torment your enemy as they have tormented you. You also need a personal item from your ex-lover or someone you want to punish so the you’re involved in the rituals for your wishes to granted instantly.
Then I Cleanse and plant the object used to cast the spell to your enemy’s. This spell might be cast to punish someone you once referred to as your lover or friend or any kind pf enemy.

+27639896887 Punish someone with the changing spell

If you wish to punish someone in ways they will never forget, then you should consider casting the “change your enemy into anything” spell. For this spell, you will require a pencil, their hair or any other bodily fluids, a piece of paper, and your imagination.

+27639896887 The day of misfortune spell

Even though this spell isn’t as permanent as the rest, it has been known to effectively punish someone who hurt you. All you’ll need to do believing in the spell, then walking towards your enemy or someone you want to punish and then proceed with chanting quietly.

They don’t really have to hear what you say when chanting the spell. As long as they are in the vicinity when chanting the spell, it will take effect. Your chant should include asking misfortune to mar his or her life all day and all night. If you do this spell right, then that particular someone is going to have a difficult time for the rest of the day. This spell will not cause any bodily harm to that “unfortunate someone” but they are guaranteed to have a really, really bad day. This is a spell that you can do to people who haven’t hurt you that bad.

Evil Satanic death spell

You will need to really hate someone to wish them death. For this spell to take effect, you will need to be in a dark room with a makeshift altar, and have a dark outfit. A couple of candles and the satanic evil book should also do the trick. You can either get the person’s picture or write their name on a piece of paper before folding it into a ball. Then proceed with beseeching Satan to open hell and grant your sick desires of having someone die. Remember to have the visual image of someone you want to punish in your mind, triggering all the pain you are feeling. Then proceed to chant “.

The evil guardian spell

If someone hurt you, you can sermon the evil guardian to seek revenge on your behalf. All you need to do is chant while painfully thinking about someone who hurt you. Believe in what you say and ask the evil guardian to make their enemy feel bad for what they did to you. This will make someone feel sick of what they did and most probably call to ask for your forgiveness. Only black mages can cast this spell and this is so because they have evil energy around them.

The revenge spell

For this revenge voodoo or spell to work, you need a candle which you’ll light then seat before it. Proceed with calling upon his higher self for the spell to work. Ask their higher self to derail their current Muppet life. And as you are chanting the spell, it is important to visualize them in the flames before blowing the candle out. That’s how the spell will work, whether it’s meant for a lover who hurt you or is looking to get back at someone who hurt you. Again, believe in order for the spell to work. This spell works perfectly when cast at exactly midnight. All you need to do is setting everything up right before your chanting, repeatedly beseeching evil to come forth.

Call ☎: / What-Sapp: +27639896887
Email: [email protected]

Strong Witchcraft Spells +27639896887

The Strongest Witchcraft: So you’re looking for a black magic spell. That’s great! Black magic is one of the strongest forms of magic and can be used to help you get what you want in life. Whether it’s money, love, or revenge – these are very potent spells that can help you achieve your goals in life.

What Are The Strongest Witchcraft Spells?

Witchcraft is a practice of magic, often associated with folk religion. It’s one of the oldest religions in the world and has been practiced for centuries.

Witchcraft spells are a type of magic that can be used to get what you want from life or to make someone fall in love with you. Witchcraft spells are usually performed by witches or warlocks, but they can also be cast by anyone who knows how to do it properly!

When casting any spell there are certain steps that need to be followed:

Decide what exactly it is you want out of life (i.e., money, love, etc) 2) Write down all your desires on paper 3) Get into contact with someone who knows how to cast spells 4) Cast your spell

How Do I Cast Strong Black Magic Spells?

To cast a spell, you need to have the ingredients and perform the ritual.

The ingredients for Black Magic Spells are:

A picture of the person you want to cast your spell on
Items that are connected with them (hair, photo, etc.)
Instruments like candles, incense sticks, etc., should be placed in an order so as to represent different elements of nature (air, water fire earth)

How to Cast a Love Spell

Love spells are a very powerful form of witchcraft. They can be used to attract a lover, improve a current relationship or even make someone fall in love with you. However, love spells are not guaranteed to work and should only be used by those who are prepared to do the work required.

Research your target’s name, date of birth, and location so that you can use this information when casting your spell

Find out what sort of person they like (this will help determine whether or not they’re compatible)

How to Cast a Money Spell

To cast a money spell, you will need:

A black candle. This is for banishing and drawing in the energy of wealth and prosperity. It should be large enough to burn for at least an hour.
Money-drawing oil or powder. The best oils are jojoba or coconut oil; if you want to use a powder, try gold glitter or wheat flour mixed with cinnamon essential oil (and maybe some honey if the mixture seems too dry). You can also use natural herbs like basil or cayenne pepper as ingredients in your mixture–they’re said to bring luck when added to spells! Be careful when handling these herbs though because they may irritate sensitive skin so make sure not to touch them directly with bare hands unless wearing gloves first! If using any kind of herb then please note that they must be organic ones only – otherwise, there could be negative consequences later on down the road.”

How to Cast a Protection Spell

Protect yourself from evil. Evil people want to get inside your head, they want to control you and make you do things that are not good for your well-being or the people around you. They also want to take advantage of your kindness and generosity, so they can use these qualities against you in some way. The best way to protect yourself from this kind of thing happening is by casting a protection spell on yourself every day before going out into the world.

Protect your family members from harm by casting a protection spell over them as well! If someone is trying hard enough at something bad enough then there’s no telling what could happen – but if nothing else at least this will give them extra protection against those kinds of spells being cast against them (or other types).

Protecting our homes from negative energy/spirits can be done through simple spells like hanging crystals near windows/doors which act as barriers between us living inside vs outside world (keeping all unwanted visitors out). Another way would be putting salt around windowsills which acts similarly except instead attracts positive vibrations instead since salt represents purity/cleanliness within witchcraft lore.”

How to Cast a Revenge Spell

Revenge spells are typically cast to cause someone harm or suffering. Revenge is a powerful emotion, and when you harness it, you can make your spell much more effective. In order to cast a revenge spell, you will need:

The name of the person(s) who has wronged you (or their picture if they are not around)
A lock of hair from each person involved in the situation
A photo of yourself that shows only your face (no body parts!)

These are the strongest black magic spells available today.

The following are the strongest black magic spells available today.

Spells to get revenge: This spell will ensure that your enemy suffers in a way that makes them regret their actions against you. It may take some time for this to happen, but it is guaranteed to work if done properly and with sincerity.
Spells to get love: If you’re looking for true love and have tried everything else, then this spell is perfect for you! It’s also great if someone has broken up with you or left without saying anything at all. Just make sure they don’t end up falling back into each other’s arms before yours do!
Spells to get money: Want more money? Then try these powerful money spells out! They’re easy enough that even beginners can use them successfully (as long as they follow directions). And they cost less than any other form of investment available today–so why not give them a shot?


While there are many types of witchcraft spells, these are some of the most powerful. You can use them to get revenge on someone or even protect yourself from harm. If you want something specific in life like love or money then these spells will help you achieve that goal!

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